Then taking up the letter, he re-read a passage and said, "You know that in this letter I am warned of a traitor, of whom I must beware?""Yes, your Highness."
"He will try to enter Irkutsk in disguise; gain my confidence, and betray the town to the Tartars.""I know all that, your Highness, and I know also that Ivan Ogareff has sworn to revenge himself personally on the Czar's brother.""Why?"
"It is said that the officer in question was condemned by the Grand Duke to a humiliating degradation.""Yes, I remember. But it is a proof that the villain, who could afterwards serve against his country and head an invasion of barbarians, deserved it.""His Majesty the Czar," said Ogareff, "was particularly anxious that you should be warned of the criminal projects of Ivan Ogareff against your person.""Yes; of that the letter informs me."
"And His Majesty himself spoke to me of it, telling me I was above all things to beware of the traitor.""Did you meet with him?"
"Yes, your Highness, after the battle of Krasnoiarsk. If he had only guessed that I was the bearer of a letter addressed to your Highness, in which his plans were revealed, I should not have got off so easily.""No; you would have been lost!" replied the Grand Duke. "And how did you manage to escape?""By throwing myself into the Irtych."
"And how did you enter Irkutsk?"
"Under cover of a sortie, which was made this evening to repulse a Tartar detachment. I mingled with the defenders of the town, made myself known, and was immediately conducted before your Highness.""Good, Michael Strogoff," answered the Grand Duke. "You have shown courage and zeal in your difficult mission. I will not forget you.
Have you any favor to ask?"
"None; unless it is to be allowed to fight at the side of your Highness," replied Ogareff.
"So be it, Strogoff. I attach you from to-day to my person, and you shall be lodged in the palace.""And if according to his intention, Ivan Ogareff should present himself to your Highness under a false name?""We will unmask him, thanks to you, who know him, and I will make him die under the knout. Go!"Ogareff gave a military salute, not forgetting that he was a captain of the couriers of the Czar, and retired.
Ogareff had so far played his unworthy part with success.
The Grand Duke's entire confidence had been accorded him.
He could now betray it whenever it suited him.
He would inhabit the very palace. He would be in the secret of all the operations for the defense of the town.
He thus held the situation in his hand, as it were.
No one in Irkutsk knew him, no one could snatch off his mask.
He resolved therefore to set to work without delay.
Indeed, time pressed. The town must be captured before the arrival of the Russians from the North and East, and that was only a question of a few days. The Tartars once masters of Irkutsk, it would not be easy to take it again from them.
At any rate, even if they were obliged to abandon it later, they would not do so before they had utterly destroyed it, and before the head of the Grand Duke had rolled at the feet of Feofar-Khan.
Ivan Ogareff, having every facility for seeing, observing, and acting, occupied himself the next day with visiting the ramparts.
He was everywhere received with cordial congratulations from officers, soldiers, and citizens. To them this courier from the Czar was a link which connected them with the empire.
Ogareff recounted, with an assurance which never failed, numerous fictitious events of his journey. Then, with the cunning for which he was noted, without dwelling too much on it at first, he spoke of the gravity of the situation, exaggerating the success of the Tartars and the numbers of the barbarian forces, as he had when speaking to the Grand Duke. According to him, the expected succors would be insufficient, if ever they arrived at all, and it was to be feared that a battle fought under the walls of Irkutsk would be as fatal as the battles of Kolyvan, Tomsk, and Krasnoiarsk.
Ogareff was not too free in these insinuations.
He wished to allow them to sink gradually into the minds of the defenders of Irkutsk. He pretended only to answer with reluctance when much pressed with questions.
He always added that they must fight to the last man, and blow up the town rather than yield!
These false statements would have done more harm had it been possible;but the garrison and the population of Irkutsk were too patriotic to let themselves be moved. Of all the soldiers and citizens shut up in this town, isolated at the extremity of the Asiatic world, not one dreamed of even speaking of a capitulation. The contempt of the Russians for these barbarians was boundless.
No one suspected the odious part played by Ivan Ogareff;no one guessed that the pretended courier of the Czar was a traitor.