The Flight of the MidgetsCap'n Bill and Trot rode very comfortably in the sunbonnet.The motion was quite steady, for they weighed so little that the Ork flew without effort.Yet they were both somewhat nervous about their future fate and could not help wishing they were safe on land and their natural size again.
"You're terr'ble small, Trot," remarked Cap'n Bill, looking at his companion.
"Same to you, Cap'n," she said with a laugh; "but as long as we have the purple berries we needn't worry about our size.""In a circus," mused the old man, "we'd be curiosities.
But in a sunbonnet -- high up in the air -- sailin' over a big, unknown ocean -- they ain't no word in any booktionary to describe us.""Why, we're midgets, that's all," said the little girl.
The Ork flew silently for a long time.The slight swaying of the sunbonnet made Cap'n Bill drowsy, and he began to doze.Trot, however, was wide awake, and after enduring the monotonous journey as long as she was able she called out:
"Don't you see land anywhere, Mr.Ork?"
"Not yet," he answered."This is a big ocean and I've no idea in which direction the nearest land to that island lies; but if I keep flying in a straight line I'm sure to reach some place some time."That seemed reasonable, so the little people in the sunbonnet remained as patient as possible; that is, Cap'n Bill dozed and Trot tried to remember her geography lessons so she could figure out what land they were likely to arrive at.
For hours and hours the Ork flew steadily, keeping to the straight line and searching with his eyes the horizon of the ocean for land.Cap'n Bill was fast asleep and snoring and Trot had laid her head on his shoulder to rest it when suddenly the Ork exclaimed:
"There! I've caught a glimpse of land, at last."At this announcement they roused themselves.Cap'n Bill stood up and tried to peek over the edge of the sunbonnet.
"What does it look like?" he inquired.
"Looks like another island," said the Ork; "but I can judge it better in a minute or two.""I don't care much for islands, since we visited that other one," declared Trot.
Soon the Ork made another announcement.
"It is surely an island, and a little one, too," said he."But I won't stop, because I see a much bigger land straight ahead of it.""That's right," approved Cap'n Bill."The bigger the land, the better it will suit us.""It's almost a continent," continued the Ork after a brief silence, during which he did not decrease the speed of his flight."I wonder if it can be Orkland, the place I have been seeking so long?""I hope not," whispered Trot to Cap'n Bill -- so softly that the Ork could not hear her -- "for I shouldn't like to be in a country where only Orks live.This one Ork isn't a bad companion, but a lot of him wouldn't be much fun."After a few more minutes of flying the Ork called out in a sad voice:
"No! this is not my country.It's a place I have never seen before, although I have wandered far and wide.It seems to be all mountains and deserts and green valleys and queer cities and lakes and rivers --mixed up in a very puzzling way.""Most countries are like that," commented Cap'n Bill.
"Are you going to land?"