...He has such a goo-natured look, with that round back of his--do you not think so, Dimitri?"It was said in French by a woman's voice.For the moment it was disagreeable to hear myself spoken of as an old man.Is a man old at sixty-two? Only the other day, on the Pont des Arts, my colleague Perrot d'Avrignac complimented me on my youthful appearance; and Ishould think him a better authority about one's age than that young chatterbox who has taken it on herself to make remarks about my back.My back is round, she says.Ah! ah! I had some suspicion myself to that effect, but I am not going now to believe it at all, since it is the opinion of a giddy-headed young woman.Certainly I will not turn my head round to see who it was that spoke; but Iam sure it was a pretty woman.Why? Because she talks like a capricious person and like a spoiled child.Ugly women may be naturally quite as capricious as pretty ones; but as they are never petted and spoiled, and as no allowances are made for them, they soon find themselves obliged either to suppress their whims or to hide them.On the other hand, the pretty women can be just as fantastical as they please.My neighbour is evidently one of the latter....But, after all, coming to think it over, she really did nothing worse than to express, in her own way, a kindly thought about me, for which I ought to feel grateful.
These reflections--include the last and decisive one--passed through my mind in less than a second; and if I have taken a whole minute to tell them, it is characteristic of most philologists.In less than a second, therefore, after the voice had ceased, I did turn round, and saw a pretty little woman--a sprightly brunette.
"Madame," I said, with a bow, "excuse my involuntary indiscretion.
I could not help overhearing what you have just said.You would like to be of service to a poor old man.And the wish, Madame, has already been fulfilled--the mere sound of a French voice has given me such pleasure that I must thank you."I bowed again, and turned to go away; but my foot slipped upon a melon-rind, and I should certainly have embraced the Parthenopean soil had not the young lady put out her hand and caught me.
There is a force in circumstances--even in the very smallest circumstances--against which resistance is vain.I resigned myself to remain the protege of the fair unknown.
"It is late," she said; "do you not wish to go back to your hotel, which must be quite close to ours--unless it be the same one?""Madame," I replied, "I do not know what time it is, because somebody has stolen my watch; but I think, as you say, that it must be time to retire; and I shall be very glad to regain my hotel in the company of such courteous compatriots."So saying, I bowed once more to the young lady, and also saluted her companion, a silent colossus with a gentle and melancholy face.
After having gone a little way with them, I learned, among other matters, that my new acquaintances were the Prince and Princess Trepof, and that they were making a trip round the world for the purpose of finding match-boxes, of which they were making a collection.
We proceeded along a narrow, tortuous vicoletto, lighted only by a single lamp burning in the niche of a Madonna.The purity and transparency of the air gave a celestial softness and clearness to the very darkness itself; and one could find one's way without difficulty under such a limpid night.But in a little while we began to pass through a "venella," or, in Neopolitan parlance, a sottoportico, which led under so many archways and so many far-projecting balconies that no gleam of light from the sky could reach us.My young guide had made us take this route as a short cut, she assured us; but I think she did so quite as much simply in order to show that she felt at home in Naples, and knew the city thoroughly.Indeed, she needed to know it very thoroughly to venture by night into that labyrinth of subterranean alleys and flights of steps.If ever any many showed absolute docility in allowing himself to be guided, that man was myself.Dante never followed the steps of Beatrice with more confidence than I felt in following those of Princess Trepof.
The lady appeared to find some pleasure in my conversation, for she invited me to take a carriage-drive with her on the morrow to visit the grotto of Posilippo and the tomb of Virgil.She declared she had seen me somewhere before; but she could not remember if it had been a Stockholm or at Canton.In the former event I was a very celebrated professor of geology; in the latter, a provision-merchant whose courtesy and kindness had been much appreciated.
One thing certain was that she had seen my back somewhere before.
"Excuse me," she added; "we are continually travelling, my husband and I, to collect match-boxes and to change our ennui by changing country.Perhaps it would be more reasonable to content ourselves with a single variety of ennui.But we have made all our preparations and arrangements for travelling: all our plans have been laid out in advance, and it gives us no trouble, whereas it would be very troublesome for us to stop anywhere in particular.