The morning was not far advanced.After a brief consultation, the two older foremen urged that we ride to the relief of Forrest.Ahint was sufficient, and including five of my best-mounted men, a posse of twenty of us rode away.We held the divide for some distance on our course, and before we left it, a dust-cloud, indicating the presence of Bob's herd, was sighted on the southern slope, while on the opposite one my cattle were beginning to move forward.Sponsilier knew the probable whereabouts of Forrest, and under his lead we swung into a free gallop as we dropped down the northern slope from the mesa.The pace was carrying us across country at a rate of ten miles an hour, scarcely a word being spoken, as we shook out kink after kink in our horses or reined them in to recover their wind.Our objective point was a slight elevation on the plain, from which we expected to sight the trail if not the herds of Flood, Forrest, and The Rebel.On reaching this gentle swell, we reined in and halted our horses, which were then fuming with healthy sweat.Both creek and trail were clearly outlined before us, but with the heat-waves and mirages beyond, our view was naturally restricted.Sponsilier felt confident that Forrest was north of the creek and beyond the trail, and again shaking out our horses, we silently put the intervening miles behind us.Our mounts were all fresh and strong, and in crossing the creek we allowed them a few swallows of water before continuing our ride.We halted again in crossing the trail, but it was so worn by recent use that it afforded no clue to guide us in our quest.But from the next vantage-point which afforded us a view, a sea of cattle greeted our vision, all of which seemed under herd.Wagon sheets were next sighted, and finally a horseman loomed up and signaled to us.He proved to be one of Flood's men, and under his direction Forrest's camp and cattle were soon located.The lad assured us that a pow-wow had been in session since daybreak, and we hurried away to add our numbers to its council.When we sighted Forrest's wagon among some cottonwoods, a number of men were just mounting to ride away, and before we reached camp, they crossed the creek heading south.A moment later, Forrest walked out, and greeting us, said:
"Hello, fellows.Get down and let your horses blow and enjoy yourselves.You're just a minute late to meet some very nice people.Yes, we had the sheriff from Dodge and a posse of men for breakfast.No--no particular trouble, except John Johns, the d--fool, threw the loop of his rope over the neck of the sheriff's horse, and one of the party offered to unsling a carbine.But about a dozen six-shooters clicked within hearing, and he acted on my advice and cut gun-plays out.No trouble at all except a big medicine talk, and a heap of legal phrases that Idon't sabe very clear.Turn your horses loose, I tell you, for I'm going to kill a nice fat stray, and towards evening, when the other herds come up, we'll have a round-up of Don Lovell's outfits.I'll make a little speech, and on account of the bloodless battle this morning, this stream will be rechristened Sheriff's Creek."