Fresh horses were secured at dawn, and breakfast would be secured en route with the cow outfit.There were a dozen large-calibre rifles in scabbards, and burdening ourselves with two heavy guns to the man and an abundance of ammunition, we abandoned Quarantine Station No.1 for the time being.The camp which we were to touch at was the one nearest the river and north of Wolf Creek, and we galloped up to it before the sun had even risen.
Since everything was coming our way, Sponsilier and I observed a strict neutrality, but a tow-headed Texan rallied the outfit, saying:
"Make haste, fellows, and saddle up your horses.Those three herds which raised such a rumpus up on Little Powder have sent down word that they're going to cross our dead-line to-day if they have to prize up hell and put a chunk under it.We have decided to call their bluff before they even reach the line, and make them show their hand for all this big talk.Here's half a dozen guns and cartridges galore, but hustle yourselves.Fred went into Powderville last night and will meet us above at the twin buttes this morning with every cowman in town.All the other outfits have been sent for, and we'll have enough men to make our bluff stand up, never fear.From what I learn, these herds belong to a lot of Yankee speculators, and they don't give a tinker's dam if all the cattle in Montana die from fever.They're no better than anybody else, and if we allow them to go through, they'll leave a trail of dead natives that will stink us out of this valley.Make haste, everybody."I could see at a glance that the young Texan had touched their pride.The foreman detailed three men to look after the herd, and the balance made hasty preparations to accompany the quarantine guards.A relief was rushed away for the herders; and when the latter came in, they reported having sighted the posse from Powderville, heading across country for the twin buttes.
Meanwhile a breakfast had been bolted by the guards, Sponsilier, and myself, and swinging into our saddles, we rounded a bluff bend of the creek and rode for the rendezvous, some three miles distant.I noticed by the brands that nearly every horse in that country had been born in Texas, and the short time in which we covered the intervening miles proved that the change of climate had added to their stability and bottom.Our first glimpse of the meeting-point revealed the summit of the buttes fairly covered with horsemen.From their numbers it was evident that ours was the last contingent to arrive; but before we reached the twin mounds, the posse rode down from the lookout and a courier met and turned us from our course.The lead herd had been sighted in trail formation but a few miles distant, heading north, and it was the intention to head them at the earliest moment.The messenger inquired our numbers, and reported those arrived at forty-five, making the posse when united a few over sixty men.
A juncture of forces was effected within a mile of the lead herd.
It was a unique posse.Old frontiersmen, with patriarchal beards and sawed-off shotguns, chewed their tobacco complacently as they rode forward at a swinging gallop.Beardless youths, armed with the old buffalo guns of their fathers, led the way as if an Indian invasion had called them forth.Soldiers of fortune, with Southern accents, who were assisting in the conquest of a new empire, intermingled with the hurrying throng, and two men whose home was in Medina County, Texas, looked on and approved.The very horses had caught the inspiration of the moment, champing bits in their effort to forge to the front rank, while the blood-stained slaver coated many breasts or driveled from our boots.Before we met the herd a halt was called, and about a dozen men were deployed off on each flank, while the main body awaited the arrival of the cattle.The latter were checked by the point-men and turned back when within a few hundred yards of the main posse.Several horsemen from the herd rode forward, and one politely inquired the meaning of this demonstration.The question was met by a counter one from Captain Ullmer, who demanded to know the reason why these cattle should trespass on the rights of others and ignore local quarantine.The spokesman in behalf of the herd turned in his saddle and gave an order to send some certain person forward.Sponsilier whispered to me that this fellow was merely a segundo."But wait till the 'major-domo'
arrives," he added.The appearance of the posse and the halting of the herd summoned that personage from the rear to the front, and the next moment he was seen galloping up the column of cattle.With a plausible smile this high mogul, on his arrival, repeated the previous question, and on a similar demand from the captain of the posse, he broke into a jolly laugh from which he recovered with difficulty.