"I have sent for you and Ferguson, first because Grimes insists on seeing you, and second, because I am determined that this midnight house-breaking shall be thoroughly investigated and put an end to.
This way," and he led them into a large airy bedroom on the third floor, to which Grimes had been carried unconscious that morning, instead of to his own bedroom in the servants' quarters.
Grimes, with his head swathed in bandages, was a woe-begone object.
He greeted Colonel McIntyre and the detective with a sullen glare, but his eyes brightened at sight of Kent, and he moved a feeble hand in welcome.
"Sit down, sirs," he mumbled."There's chairs for all.""Don't worry about us," remarked McIntyre cheerily."Just tell us how you got that nasty knock on the head.""I dunno, sir; it came like a clap o' thunder," Grimes tried to lift his head, but gave over the attempt as excruciating pain followed the effort.
"What hour of the morning was it?" asked Ferguson.
"About one o'clock, as near as I can tell, sir.""And what were you doing in the library at that hour, Grimes?"demanded McIntyre.
"Trying to find out what your household was up to, sir," was Grimes'
unexpected answer, and McIntyre started.
"Explain your meaning, Grimes," he commanded sternly.
"You can do it better than I can, sir," retorted Grimes."You know the reason every one's searching the room with the seven doors.""The room with the seven doors!" echoed Ferguson."Which is that?""Grimes means the library." McIntyre's tone was short."I have no idea, Grimes, what your allegations mean.Be more explicit."The butler eyed him in no friendly fashion."Wasn't Mr.Turnbull arrested in that very room?" he demanded."And what was he looking for?""Mr.Turnbull's presence has been explained," replied McIntyre.
"He came here disguised as a burglar on a wager with my daughter, Miss Barbara.""Ah, did he now?" Grimes' rising inflection indicated nervous tension."Did a man with a bad heart come here in the dead of night for nothing but that foolishness?" Grimes glared at his three visitors."You bet he didn't."Ferguson, who had followed the dialogue between McIntyre and his servant with deep attention, addressed the excited man.
"Why did Mr.Turnbull enter Colonel McIntyre's library on Monday night disguised as a burglar?" he asked.
Grimes, by a twist of his head, managed to regard the detective out of the corner of his eye.
"Aye, why did he?" he repeated."That's what I went to the library last night to find out.""Did you discover anything?" The question shot from McIntyre, and both Ferguson and Kent watched him as they waited for Grimes' reply.
The butler took his time.
"No, sir."
McIntyre threw himself back in his chair and his eyebrows rose in interrogation as he touched his forehead significantly and glanced at Grimes.That the butler caught his meaning was evident from his expression, but he said nothing.The detective was the first to speak.
"Did you hear any one break into the house when you were prowling around, Grimes?" he asked.
"No, sir."
The detective turned to Colonel McIntyre."After finding Grimes did you search the house?" he inquired.
"Yes.The patrolman, O'Ryan, and my new footman, Murray, went with me through the entire house, and we found all doors and windows to the front and rear of the house securely locked," responded McIntyre; "except the window of the reception room on the ground floor.That was closed but unlatched."Kent wondered if the grimace which twisted the butler's face was meant for a smile.
"That there window was locked when I went to bed," Grimes stated with slow distinctness."And I was the last person in this house to go to my room."McIntyre started to speak when Ferguson stopped him.