Unit 2
Text I
bard [bB:d] n. 吟游诗人
【例句】I find him, the grey bard, wandering along the river. 我发现那个衰老的游唱诗人正在河边徘徊。
wordsmith [`w\:dsmIW] n. 擅长文字的人,舞文弄墨者;作家
【例句】Warren Buffett has a reputation as a bit of a wordsmith. 沃伦巴菲特的口才出众是出了名的。
rant [rAnt] vi. 咆哮;痛骂;大声责骂
vt. 咆哮;痛骂
n. 咆哮;激昂的演说
【例句】What he said was just rant. Don’t take it seriously. 他所说的是夸夸其谈,不要当真。
The old man rants that nobody pays any attention to his opinion. 老人怒气冲冲地叫嚷说没人听他的意见。
diatribe [5daiEtraib] n. 诽谤;恶骂;谴责,抨击
【例句】The book is a diatribe against the academic left. 该书是对学术左派的抨击。
obsolete [5CbsEli:t] adj. 已废弃的,过时的
【例句】A leading-edge product today could be obsolete next week. 今天的尖端产品过一个星期可能就过时了。
【搭配】obsolete equipment 陈旧设备
compact [5kRmpAkt] adj. 紧密的,结实的;(文体)简洁的,紧凑的
【例句】He is a wrestler of compact build. 他是一个结实的摔跤选手。
【派生】compaction n. 压紧;精简;密封;凝结
reinvent [9ri:In`vent] vt. 重新使用;彻底改造;重复发明(在不知他人已发明的情况下)
【例句】There is no need to reinvent the wheel. 没有必要再做无用功。
graft [^rB:ft] n. 嫁接枝条;移植物(皮肤或骨)
v. 嫁接,移植
【例句】He had a skin graft on the burnt leg. 他烧伤的腿上做了皮肤移植。
【搭配】graft new customs on/onto old traditions使新的风俗融合到古老传统中
pamphleteer [7pAmfli5tiE] vi. 写小册子;评论时事
n. 小册子作者;檄文执笔者
【例句】But this novel is also a work whose political agenda is as insistent as a street corner pamphleteer. 但是同时,这本小说在政治上的意义就像街角小册子一般重要。
intoxicated [In`tCksIkeItId] adj. 喝醉的;极度兴奋的
v. 沉醉;中毒(intoxicate的过去分词)
【例句】They were intoxicated with victory. 他们因成功而狂喜。
sloppy [5slCpi] adj. 草率的;粗心的;泥泞的;肥大的;稀薄的
【例句】Some students will do sloppy work unless the teacher keeps after them to write neatly.
meandering [mi5AndEriN] adj. 曲折的;聊天的;漫步的
n. 漫步;漫谈;[建] 曲径
v. 漫步(meander的ing形式)
【例句】We often took a walk along the meandering river after supper. 晚饭后我们常沿着那条弯弯曲曲的小河散步。
puerile [5pjuErail] adj. 幼稚的;孩子气的;未成熟的;天真的
【例句】Americans have a sense of humor too, but it’s much more puerile. British men have much better wit. 美国人也有幽默感,但过于幼稚,英国人更富于机智。
preeminent [pri(:)5eminEnt] adj. 卓越的;超群的
【例句】A preeminent actor can bring a fictional character to life.
rudimentary [ru:di5mentEri] adj. 初步的,基本的;发展不完全的,未发育成熟的
【例句】I have only a rudimentary grasp of chemistry. 我只掌握了化学的初步知识。
【搭配】rudimentary knowledge 基础知识;初步知识
ream [ri:m] vt. 榨取(果汁等);扩展;挖
n. 令(纸张的计数单位);大量
【例句】Their specific task is to sort through the reams of information and try to determine what it means. 他们的具体任务就是将大量信息分类,并努力弄清其意思。
gem [dVem] n. 宝石,珠宝
【例句】This picture is the gem of the collection. 这幅画是收藏中的珍品。
mnemonic [ni(:)5mCnik(El)] adj. 记忆的;助记的;记忆术的
【例句】The old man has to consult to mnemonic devices to keep those words in his mind. 老人必须要借助助记工具才能记住这些单词。
moribund [5mC(:)ribQnd] adj. 垂死的
【例句】In the moribund patient deepening coma are the usual preludes to death.
【搭配】a moribund civilization, industry, custom日趋消亡的文明、工业、习惯.
prevail [pri5veil] v. 战胜;盛行,流行
【例句】The East Wind prevails over the West Wind. 东风压倒了西风。
【助记】pre前 + vail 有利,有用,比⋯更有利,有用
【派生】prevailing adj. 流行的;一般的,最普通的;占优势的;盛行很广的
terse [tE:s] adj. 用词简练的,洗练的
【例句】He had a reputation for long silences and terse comments. 他一向以沉默寡言闻名。
【搭配】written in a terse style以简练的文笔写成的
bulleted [5bulitid] adj 用项目符号分开的
caliber [kAlibE] n. 品质,水准;管(枪炮)的口径,子弹的大小
【例句】The firm needs more people of your caliber. 公司需要多找些有你这种才干的人。
excerpt [5eksE:pt] n. 摘录,摘要
【例句】I’ve seen a short excerpt from the film on television. 我在电视上看过这部影片的片段。
【助记】except 除了,文章除去一部分,只摘录一部分。
【派生】excerption n. 选录;抄录;精华录
lace [leis] n. 花边;鞋带,带子
v. 用带子绑紧;镶花边于
【例句】These shoes are laced up the side. 这些鞋子是从旁边穿带子的。
acronym [5AkrEnim] n. 首字母缩略词
【例句】AIDS is an acronym for “Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome”. 艾滋病的全称是“获得性免疫缺损综合征”。
【词组】acronym for是…的缩写
smiley [smaili] n. 微笑符(等于smily)
adj. 微笑的;引起微笑的
【词组】smiley faces with special symbols 具有特殊符号的笑脸
grimace [^ri5meis] v. 扭曲脸部以表示痛苦等,扮鬼脸
【例句】The boy stole a look at his father with grimace. 那男孩扮着鬼脸偷看了他父亲一眼。
【词组】make/give a grimace of pain 作出 [露出] 痛苦的怪相
【助记】grim + face 鬼母的脸,母夜叉的脸
long-winded [`lCN`wIndId;`lR:N] adj. 冗长的;罗嗦的;气长的
【例句】The articles are long-winded and devoid of substance. 这些文章空话连篇。
phony [5fEuni] adj. 假的,欺骗的
n. 假冒者;赝品
【例句】The warm weather of the last few days had been a phony summer, the build-up to the storm. 前几天天气暖和,但那不过是夏天的一种假象,是这场暴风雨袭来的先兆。
blowhard [`blEJhB:d] n. 吹牛大家
adj. 吹牛的;唠唠叨叨的
【例句】He doesn’t like to be a blowhard about what he’s developed. 他不喜欢吹嘘他研制的东西。
enfranchise [in5frAntFaiz, en-] vt. 给予选举权;给予自治权;解放,释放
【例句】New Zealand was the first country to enfranchise women. It gave them the vote in 1895. 新西兰是第一个给予妇女选举权的国家,时间为1895年。
geek [^i:k] n. 做低级滑稽表演的人,反常的人;畸形人;野人;(俚)极客,即智力超群,善于钻研但不懂与人交往的怪才
【例句】When the famous scientist was a child, he was such a geek. All he ever thinks about was homework. 这个著名的科学家小时候真是个书呆子,他的心里只有功课。
grassroos [^rB:sru:ts] adj. 基层的;草根的;乡村的
n. 草根;基础
【例句】Governments at the grassroots levels also operate community services for the poor and needy. 基层政府通过兴办社区服务业,为贫困对象提供照顾和服务。
vixen [5viksn] n. 泼妇,刁妇;唠叨的女人;坏心眼的女人
【例句】She is a real little vixen. 一个不折不扣的泼妇。
Text II
beatific [bi:E5tifik] adj. 幸福的;祝福的;快乐的
【词组】a beatific state of mind 愉快的心情
huddle [5hQdl] v. 蜷缩;拥挤,挤作一团
n. 杂乱的一堆,拥挤
【例句】The boys huddled together in the cave to keep warm. 男孩子们在山洞里挤成一团取暖。
【词组】go into a huddle with sb. 与某人秘密商议
trek [trek] n. 艰苦跋涉
vt. (牛)拉(货车);搬运
vi. 艰苦跋涉
【例句】My boots were punished by our long trek in the mountains.
It took the climber a month to trek to the foot of the mountain before they even started their climb.
temptation [temp5teiFEn] n. 诱惑,引诱;诱惑物
【例句】I couldn’t resist the temptation to get into a guy’s hair. 我总是忍不住要抓别人的辫子。
【助记】tempt 引诱;attempt 尝试,就是受到引诱。
addictive [E5diktiv] adj. (使人)上瘾的,沉迷的
【例句】Coffee is addictive in a mild way. 咖啡能稍微使人上瘾。
loop [lu:p] n. 圈,环
v. (使)成圈
【例句】The couple looped constantly around the international social circuit. 这对夫妇不断地穿梭在国际社交圈里。
appealing [E5pi:liN] adj. 吸引人的
【例句】This theory isn’t terribly appealing , but I fear it may be partly right.
【词组】appealing design 造型美丽;造型优美
appealing eyes 哀求的眼神
【派生】appealingly adv. 上诉地;哀求地;吸引人地
oblivious [E5bliviEs] adj. 不注意的,被忘记
【例句】He drove off, oblivious of the damage he had caused. 他车开走了,没有注意到他所造成的损害。
ratchet [5rAtFIt] n. 棘轮;棘齿
vt. 安装棘轮于;松脱
vi. 渐变,一步步变动
【例句】The rate of population increase has been ratcheting downward. 人口增长率一直在步步下降。