英 国
第一部分 英国地理
第1章 自然地理
1.1 复习笔记
I. Name and location
1. Full name and constituents
2. Geographical location
II. Physical features
III. Topography
IV. Climate
Ⅴ. Rivers
I. Name and location (全称和地理位置)
1. Full name and constituents (全称和组成)
(1) Full name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
(2) Constituents:
①England, Scotland, and Wales
②Northern Ireland
(1) 全称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国
(2) 组成部分
2. Geographical location (地理位置)
It is situated in Northwestern Europe, lying to the north of France and the west of the Netherlands and Denmark.
II. Physical features (自然特征)
1. England (英格兰)
(1) England occupies the southern portion of Great Britain.
(2) It is the most important part of the Kingdom in wealth, size, and population.
(3) Capital: London, the centre of government for the whole nation.
(1) 英格兰位于英国的南部。
(2) 它是英国财富,面积和人口最重要的组成部分。
(3) 首府伦敦是英国的政治中心。
2. Scotland (苏格兰)
(1) Scotland occupies the northern portion of Great Britain.
(2) A Celtic language, Gaelic, is spoken in parts of the Highlands.
(3) Capital: Edinburgh
(1) 苏格兰位于英国的北部。
(2) 苏格兰高地的部分地区的通用语言是一种凯尔特语——盖尔语。
(3) 首府:爱丁堡
3. Wales (威尔士)
(1) Wales is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary.
(2) It was effectively united with England in the 14th century.
(3) Capital: Cardiff
(1) 威尔士位于布里斯托尔海峡和底河河口。
(2) 威尔士实际上在14世纪与英格兰联合。
(3) 首府:加迪夫
4. Northern Ireland (北爱尔兰)
(1) Northern Ireland is composed of the six Irish counties.
(2) Capital: Belfast
(1) 北爱尔兰由6个爱尔兰郡组成。
(2) 首府:贝尔法斯特
III. Topography (地势)
1.The Scottish Highlands (苏格兰的高原区)
(1) The Grampian Range lies in the highlands. The western Highlands include Ben Nevis (1343 meters), the highest mountain in Britain.
(2) The Midland Valley of Scotland is a region of lower hills and rolling country drained by the Clyde and Forth rivers and their tributaries.
(3) The Cheviot Hills, south of the uplands, lie along the border with England.
(1) 主要山脉有格兰扁山脉,其主峰尼维斯山海拔1343米,为不列颠群岛的最高点。
(2) 中部是由克莱德河和福思河及其支流流经的低山和起伏的谷地组成,称为苏格兰中央平原。
(3) 最南部的切维厄特丘陵同英格兰接壤。
2. The Southeastern England plains (英格兰东南部平原区)
(1) The Pennines, the “backbone of England”. The Northern Pennine region contains a linear escarpment. West of the northern Pennines is the Lake District.
(2) Eastern and south central England contains a series of west facing escarpments and southeasterly-inclined dip slopes.
(1) 英格兰西北部是有名的奔宁山脉,自19世纪以来就称为“英格兰脊背”。北奔宁山脉的西部为湖区。
(2) 英格兰中东部和南部包含一系列向西的悬崖和向东南倾斜的斜坡。
3. Welsh Mountains (威尔士山地)
(1) The northern part of the province of Wales is largely hills and moorland.
(2) South and east of Aberystwyth is the plateau region of central Wales, lying at an average elevation of about 2000 feet.
(1) 威尔士北部大多是山地和荒沼地,斯诺登山峰高矗在坎布里安山脉上。
(2) 阿伯腊斯特威思市的东部和南部是威尔士的中央高原区,一般平均高约2000英尺。
4. Northern Ireland (北爱尔兰)
(1) The six counties of Northern Ireland consist of fertile, drumlin country surrounding Belfast Lough and Lough Neagh and extending southward to the Mourne Mountains and Slieve Gullion.
(2) The splendid north coast lies in the north a broad plateau.
(1) 它包括贝尔法斯特湾和讷湖周围的肥沃土地,向南延伸至莫恩山脉,西北至斯珀林山脉,东北为安特里姆高原。
(2) 北部海岸位于北部一个宽阔的高原上。
IV. Climate (气候)
1. It is moderated by the Atlantic Gulf Stream.
2. Typically there is rain in Britain every month.
1. 英国受大西洋湾流的影响,属海洋性气候,湿润而温和。
2. 英国的每个月都降雨。
V. Rivers (河流)
1. The main rivers parting in Great Britain run from north to south. Westward flowing streams are relatively short while the rivers draining east are longer.
2. Significant rivers: the Clyde in Scotland, the Eden and Mersey in northwest England, and the Welsh Dee, Teifi, and Tywi.
1. 英国的河流向西流进大西洋,向东注入北海。一般来说,注入北海的河流较长,而流入英吉利海峡的较短。
2. 重要的河流:苏格兰的克莱德河,英格兰西北部的泰恩河和默西河,威尔士的底河等河流。
1.2 课后习题详解
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions:
1. Where is the U. K.? And what is it made up of? What is its total area?
Key: The U.K. is situated in Northwestern Europe, lying to the north of France and the west of the Netherlands and Denmark. It is made up of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Its total area is 242 534 square kilometers.
2. Which mountain is the highest in the U. K., and in which part of the Scottish Highland?
Key: Ben Nevis, 1343 meters high, is the highest mountain in the U.K. And it is in the western part of the Scottish Highlands.
3. Why is the climate of Britain much milder than that of many places in the same latitude?
Key: Firstly, the climate of Britain is moderated by the Atlantic Gulf Stream, which is a warm current, passes the western coast of British Isles and warms them. Secondly, the Westerlies blow over the country all the year round and bring warm and wet air from the Atlantic Ocean. Thirdly, Britain is surrounded by seawaters, which can balance the seasonal differences by heating up the land in winter and cooling it off in summer.
4. What are the present features of the climate of Britain?
Key: Britain has a maritime climate. Winters are not too cold and summers are not too hot. Therefore, its temperature varies within a small range, rarely falling below -5℃ in winter or rising above 24℃ in summer. Sunshine hours are fewer than in more southerly climates. Meanwhile, it has a steady rainfall through the whole year. There is rain in Britain every month.
5. Where do the main rivers parting in Britain run?
Key: The main rivers parting in Britain run from north to south, keeping well to the west until the basin of the River Severn.
6. What are the characteristics of the Spey, Don, Tay, Forth, Tweed of eastern Scotland?
Key: These rivers flow fast and run generally across impermeable rocks, and their discharges increase rapidly after rain.
Exercise 2. Explain the following terms:
1. the English Channel
Key: It is a strait between southern England and northern France. It connects the Atlantic Ocean with the North Sea through the Strait of Dover. It is 560 km long and gradually narrows from about 180 km in the west to only 34 km in the east.
2. the Dee estuary
Key: Iris a large estuary where the River Dee flows into Liverpool Bay.
3. the Act of Union of 1801
Key: In 1801 the English Parliament passed an act by which Scotland, Wales and the Kingdom of England were constitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Great Britain.
4. Gaelic
Key: It is one of Celtic Languages, and is spoken in parts of the Highlands of Britain.
5. the “backbone of England”
Key: It refers to the Pennines, a range of hills extending about 257 km southward from the Cheviot Hills on the Scottish border to central England.