2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which,through reference in this text,constitute part of this standard.For dated references,subsequent amendments(excluding any corrigendum)to,or revision of,any of these publications do not apply.However,parties to agreements based on this rule are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below.For undated references,the latest edition of the normative document applies.
GB 311.1 Insulation Coordination of HV Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment
GB/T 5582 External Insulation Pollution Classes of High-voltage Electric Power Equipment
GB/T 14549 Quality of Electric Energy Supply-Harmonics in Public Supply Network
GB 3096-1993 Standard of Environmental Noise of Urban Area
GB 12348-1990 Standard of Noise at Boundary of Industrial Enterprises
IEC 13498-1992 Terminology for High-voltage Direct Current(HVDC)Transmission
GB/T 15190-1994 Technical Specifications to Determine the Suitable Areas for Environmental Noise of Urban Area
GB/T 16434 Environmental Pollution Classification and External Insulation Selection for High-voltage Transmission Line,Power Plant and Substation
DL/T 605 Guide for Insulation Coordination of HVDC Converter Stations
SDJ 5-1984 Technical Code for Designing High Voltage Electrical Switchgear
IEC TS60071-5 Insulation Co-ordination-Part 5:Procedures for High-voltage Direct Current(HVDC)Converter Stations
IEC 60919-3 Performance of High-voltage Direct Current(HVDC)System Part 1:Steady state Conditions
IEC 60919-3 Performance of High-voltage Direct Current(HVDC)Systems Part 2:Faults and Switching
IEC 60919-3 Performance of High-voltage Direct Current(HVDC)Systems Part 3:Dynamic Conditions
IEC 61803,Ed.1 Determination of Power Losses in High-voltage Direct Current(HVDC)Converter Stations
CIGRE Study Committee 14-DC Links,#14-97(WG 04-21),Protocol for Reporting the Operational Performance of HVDC Transmission Systems