6.6 Soot Blowing System
6.6.1 The erection of the soot blowing system shall meet the following requirements:
1 When erecting the pipes of the soot blowing system,the expansion compensation of waterwalls shall be taken into account.The drain slope of pipes shall be above 2/1000.
2 The pipe supports and hangers of the soot blowing system shall be arranged reasonably and installed firmly.Moreover,they shall not affect the free expansion and compansation.
3 After the erection of the soot blowing system,the steam blowing or water flushing shall be carried out.The pressure-reducing valves and safety valves in this system shall be calibrated and cerfitied.
4 The erection of the soot blowing devices shall meet the following requirements:
1)Alloy steel materials shall be re-inspected.
2)The joining surface between the valve and the flange shall be tight.
3)The action for the soot blowing lance in the full stroke shall be flexible and stable.The motion of the stroke switch shall be consistent with that of the soot blowing lance.
4)The deflection of the soot blowing lance shall meet the requirements of equipment technical documents.
5)The spacing between the soot blower and the heating surface shall meet the manufacturer's drawing requirements.
6)The offset for long/half retractable soot blowers shall comply with the value of corresponding expansion displacement.The allowable deviation shall be 10mm.
6.6.2 The erection of the pulse soot blowing system shall meet the following requirements:
1 The installation and leak test of combustible gas pipes shall comply with the requirements of DL 5190.5 Technical Specification for Thermal Power Erection and Construction-Part 5:Piping and System.
2 The supply station of combustible gas shall be equipped with leakage alarm device.
6.6.3 The erection of sonic soot blowing system shall meet the following requirements:
1 Air pipes shall be purged before connected to the sound generator.The solenoid valves and safety valves in the system shall be checked and certificated.
2 The sound generator shall be inspected and cleaned.