With the severe challenges of market economy in the 21st century,and the extension of the functionalism,each university has been exploring the crisis to funding,autonomy,quality,ethics and students’ academic performance.In China,there was the fact that university have been gradually condemned with the mental declined,idea abandoned,thinking distorted,mission changed,culture lacked,target offset,etc.University has been pressured by environment and society to take some rapid changes;on the other hand,university has to develop and creat knowledge,and focus on creative talent of students to serve the community directly.
However,with the market economy and the industrial development,the growing human desire results in the unhealthly physical and psychological and spiritual development of human being .
With crisis in the classroom of Chinese university,Dr.Yan Wu's research focused on students have no problem awareness,no question ability,no doubt thinking,and less creativity,based on the chinese traditional culture to modern values,from teaching to learning.She took advantage of multi-dimensional methods to analize the origin of crisis,expose the consequences of crisis,and then,seek out the strategy in order to creat a reasonable and effective teaching,enhance the whole quality of university,so that each student would become a reflective as well as questioned people.
Dr.Yan Wu paid more attention to the classroom teaching,student learning and relationship of teacher-student,and also took the empirical research,surveys,case studies,interviews .She has been explored the consequences of the crisis in the university classroom,and eventually proposed countermeasures to resolve the crisis,which is a highly innovative in china.
Ken Zeichner
Boeing Professor of Teacher Education
University of Washington,Seattle,USA
March 26th,2014