

Women’s development symbolizes the national economical development and civilization progress status in a great measure. With the society opening,idea renewing and industrial structure innovation,female human resources development has aroused increasingly more and more attention all over the world. Therefore,a great number of working women begin to enter the management layer of enterprises or institutions,accordingly,a series of issues related to female human resources,such as ability development and utilization,employment barriers and fairness,employment structure trend,career crisis and have attracted worldwide attention.

Nowadays,hotel industry,which is a female labor- intensive industry,flourishes rapidly,and the problems of female human resources become more obvious and serious. For example,there have been over 60% female employees in China hotel industry (YANG Yun,2008). Whereas,traditional gender notion,work-family conflict and many other factors block their career or even result in career development crisis. The career development crisis faced by female hotel department managers is also serious,however,the related theoretical study is obviously lag behind the reality,there are very few research on hotel middle managers at home and abroad,especially their career development crisis. This research chooses the female department (vice) managers in three,four,and five-star hotels of Fujian province as study object,analyzes the factors that results their career development crisis,constructs the factor analysis model,establishes the crisis warning system,and also puts forward the prevention and management measures. All in all,this study tries to provide countermeasures and instruction for hotel managers to prevent and manage the female department managers’ career development crisis through a deep and systematic research.

The contents of this study are as follows:

Chapter1:Introduction. This chapter includes 4 parts,which are study background,research object and relating concepts explanation,research purpose and methodology.

Chapter 2:Literature review. It mainly includes the following contents:first,gender studies in tourism,which puts out the development phase,research hotspots,and research framework of gender studies in tourism and also prospect of gender studies in tourism. Second,studies related to female tourism practitioners,which foreign relative literatures from 3 aspects that are female host of rural tourism destination,female tourism practitioners and female employees in tourism enterprises. Third,domestic research about female tourism practitioners,which mainly include minority,rural and hotel female tourism practitioners. Finally,it points out the demerits of inland gender research on tourism,and puts forward the research opportunities and blank,and the research purpose of this paper.

Chapter 3:Basic theories of female career development. It specifically includes 4 aspects:firstly,career development phase theory (proposed by Donald E. Super,Edgar H. Schein,EIi Ginzberg,J.H.Greenhaus and LiaoQuanWen);career development efficiency theory (including water boiling theory,embroidering theory,horse theory,red leaves theory,focus theory,ball theory and so on);female career theory(including sex segregation theory,work-family theory,glass ceiling theory,feminism endowment theory and double careers theory);crisis management theory (including crisis lifecycle theory,enterprise crisis management theory,structure theory,life cycle theory,diffusion theory,phase theory and so on). This chapter mainly combs and summarizes relative theories of the paper,which offers theory preparation and lays the basis for the following formal study.

Chapter 4:Generating mechanism of hotel female department managers’ career development crisis. Firstly,this paper analyzes the concept,results,the main appearances and types of female department managers’ career development crisis (physical crisis,psychological crisis,value crisis and development crisis);Secondly,it attribute hotel female department managers’ career development crisis to four aspects,such as personal level (population variables,professional attitude,ability and other characteristics),family level (basic condition,marital status,fertility status),organization level (organizational attributes,organizational policy and system,organizational culture and environment),and the social level (social evaluation towards the career,social gender culture,social public policy and system). Based on analysis on the factors interaction mechanism,this paper structures the generating mechanism model.

Chapter 5:Factor analysis on hotel female department managers’ career development crisis. Based on the research result of Chapter 4,this chapter proposes hypothesis to the relationship between career development barrier and career development crisis omens,career development barrier variables,environment variables and career development crisis omen variables,control variables and hotel female department managers’ career development crisis. Then,this paper establishes the factor analysis model. questionnaires as analyzing data,SPSS17.0 as analysis tool,scales (Variables scale—career development barrier scales,Dependent variable scale—Career development crisis omen scale,Adjust variable scale—Environmental factors scale,and The control variables scale—Attribute variables scale),this paper does factor analysis,correlation analysis,and regression analysis for each,and finally establishes multiple linear regression equation.

Chapter 6:Early warning research for hotel female department development crisis. Through analyzing the necessity,the structure,operation mechanism,functions and characters of the system,this chapter studies the crisis monitoring subsystem(function,crisis pre-warning indexes system and its cordon) and forecast subsystem(crisis level evaluation and forecast) of hotel female department managers’ career development crisis,structures crisis pre-warning index system,calculates the weight of each index using yaahp,and divides the crisis degrees through membership calculation method.

Chapter 7:Prevention and management of hotel female department development crisis. This chapter studies the preventing measures of hotel female department development crisis from the aspacts of stakeholders (individual,family members,enterprise and society),it also analyzes and studies the prevention and management of the three types of career development crisis (yellow level crisis,orange level crisis and red level crisis).

Chapter 8:Conclusion and prospect. This chapter mainly elaborates the main points and conclusions of the research,and analyzes the major contributions,limitations and further research direction of this research.

This researchdraws some important conclusions as follows:

Firstly,through documentary research,this paper collects,combs and summarizes the domestic and overseas related to hotel managers,female managers,career development crisis and other aspects,defines and explains the concept and characters of hotel female department managers’ career development crisis;it elaborates the five possible crisis results;it points out the four types of female department managers’ career development crisis,attributes the reasons to crisis from the individual,family,organizational and social level;it establishes the interaction mechanism and formation mechanism of hotel female department managers’ career development crisis,puts forward the four phases and crisis intensity,and structures the crisis trigger mechanism model.

Secondly,through interview,symposium,literature (questionnaire) analysis and so on,this paper summarizes generating factors of the crisis,designs the factor analysis model for this research which includes independent variables scale,dependent variables scale,adjust variables scale and control variables scale,it also verifies the reliability and validity of these scales,and forms the formal questionnaire. Through factor analysis model constructed in this study,the paper proceeds factor analysis and get the following conclusions:

a.With SPSS17.0,it extracts the common factors through using principal component analysis. Among them,it extracts 10 common factors from career development barrier variables scale (independent variable),6 common factors from career development omen scale (dependent variable) and 4 from environment variables scale (manipulated variable).

b.Draw the conclusion that there exists appreciable correlation between career development barrier (CDB-F) and its career development crisis (CDS-F).

c.Concluding that environment variables (CBE-F) regulates between career development barrier (CDB-F) and career development crisis (CDS-F). The correlation between CBE-F and CDB-F of hotel female department managers is significant.

d.Concluding that control variables have appreciable effect on hotel female department managers’ career development crisis omen (CDS-F),which shows that the individual income,family housing condition,the nature,scale,ownership of enterprise and other aspects have the most obvious influence on hotel female department managers’ career development crisis omen.

f.Constructs the multiple regression equation of hotel female department managers’ career development crisis omen.

Thirdly,the organizational structure,operation mechanism,functions and characters of the pre-warning system for hotel female department managers’ career development crisis are analyzed,this paper studies the monitoring subsystem and forecast subsystem,structures career development crisis pre-warning indexes system which includes 3 hierarchies and 39 indexes,calculates the weight of each index using YAAHP,and divides the crisis degrees through membership calculation method.

Fourthly,putting forwards countermeasures of hotel female department managers’ career development crisis are studied respectively from the personal,family,enterprise and social level,this paper analyzes and studies the prevention and management of three kinds of career development crisis ( yellow level crisis,orange level crisis and red level crisis) from the perspective of crisis levels.

The main innovative work of this research is as flows:

a.This paper attributes hotel female department managers’ career development crisis to individual,family,organizational and social level,establishes the trigger mechanism and factor analysis model,which make some theoretical innovations.

b.The paper proposes,draws up and uses the hotel female managers’ career barrier scales and the career development crisis omen scales,it provides a research and measuring tool for related research.

c.Setting hotel female department managers as study object,the paper comprehensively analyzes and studies the types,causes and consequences of the career development crisis. To some extent,the achievements fill in the gap of our hotel human resources management,crisis management and other researches.

Keywords:hotel;female department manager;career development;crisis