Adding section breaks
Follow these steps to learn how to add section breaks:
- Click into the document where the section break is required. I have continued using the same file from the previous section.
- Insert the type of section break required into the document.
- Here, the second page will be changed to landscape orientation. We have inserted a Next Page section break at the end of the first page (to show where the change must start) and at the end of the second page (to show where the change must end):

- Let's replicate these by inserting Next Page section breaks into the document to create a landscape page in the middle of the document.
- Click before the text Existing Employees.
- Visit the Layout tab and select Breaks from the list.
- Choose Next Page section break to insert a break before the text Existing Employees.
- Move to the end of the paragraph, before the text What You Need to Know.
- Insert another Next Page section break at the end of the paragraph.
- Make sure your mouse pointer is clicked into the text of the page beginning with Existing Employees.
- Click on the Layout tab and choose Orientation.
- Choose Landscape from the list provided.
- The page will turn into a landscape page with portrait pages on either side.
Note that this is just one example of how section breaks can transform your documents. The Next Page section break is really great when you need to add a complex table in the middle of a Word document.
To delete the section breaks, click on the non-printing symbols ( Show/Hide icon) icon on the Paragraph group, which is located on the Home tab. Alternatively, change the document view to Draft view and click to place the cursor on the section break line in the document. Then, press Delete on the keyboard.
To delete the section breaks, click on the non-printing symbols ( Show/Hide icon) icon on the Paragraph group, which is located on the Home tab. Alternatively, change the document view to Draft view and click to place the cursor on the section break line in the document. Then, press Delete on the keyboard.