Adding relationships
Let's see how this connection is made:
- Start by navigating to the John Doe contact record:
In the preceding screenshot, we can see that in the John Doe contact record under the Related Accounts section, there is an option to add a relationship.
- Clicking on this option takes us to the following screen:
In the preceding screenshot, you can see a few important sections:
- The first field is for setting the account that you want to connect this contact to.
- The second field is the role that this contact plays in the organization; for our example, we will pick Influencer since John Doe is a board member of this organization.
- When you click Save, this saves the relationship and you will see the following updated Contact screen:
In the preceding screenshot, you can see that John Doe is now related to both GenePoint as the sales manager and Cardinal Inc. as an influencer. The following screenshot shows you how this relationship shows up on the Cardinal Inc. account:
As you can see in the preceding screenshot, Cardinal Inc. has a Related Contacts section that shows John Doe as an influencer, along with Brenda Mcclure who works for Cardinal Inc.. Let's take a look at how to remove a relationship if needed.