Empowers self-sufficient, full-stack teams
Developers often ask me how they can learn to write infrastructure as code when they do not know enough about the infrastructure resources they are deploying. I typically respond with several probing questions, such as:
- When you were first hired straight out of school as a programmer, were you hired because you were an expert in that company's domain? No. The domain experts gave you the requirements and you wrote the software.
- Did you eventually become knowledgeable in that domain? Yes, absolutely.
- Have you ever been given just the documentation of an external system's API and then asked to go figure out how to integrate your system with that system? Sure. You read the documentation, you asked follow up questions, and you made it happen.
Then I just reiterate what they have already begun to realize. An infrastructure resource is just another functional domain that happens to be a technical domain. In the cloud, these resources are API-driven. Ultimately, we are just integrating our build pipelines with these APIs. It is just code. We work our agile development methodology, write the code, ask questions, and iterate. More and more we can do these deployments declaratively. In Chapter 6, Deployment, we will dive into more detail about how to do deployments and integrate these tasks into the development methodology.
Sooner than later, we all become domain experts of the cloud-native resources we leverage. We start simple. Then as our components mature, they put more demands on these resources and we learn to leverage them as we go. As we discussed previously, this is why value-added cloud services are so valuable. They give us a strong foundation when we know the least and grow with us as we gain expertise. This is one of the ways that being cloud-native empowers teams. The cloud works on a shared responsibility model. Everything below a certain line is the responsibility of the cloud provider. Everything above this line is the responsibility of your team. As you use more and more value-added cloud services, such as database-as-a-service and function-as-a-service, that line is drawn higher and higher. Your team becomes self-sufficient by leveraging the power of value-added cloud services, which allows you to focus on the value proposition of your components. Your team controls the full-stack because you can provision your required resources at will.
You may have heard of Conway's Law:
Let's put this in the context of an example. Many companies are organized around the architectures of N-tiered monoliths and data centers. Teams are organized by skillset: user interface, backend services, database administrators, testers, operations, and so forth. Conway's Law essentially says that organizations like this will not successfully implement cloud-native systems.
Cloud-native systems are composed of bounded isolated components. These components own all their resources. As such, self-sufficient, full-stack teams must own the components and their resources. Otherwise, the communication and coordination overhead across horizontal teams will marginalize the benefits of bounded isolated components and ultimately tear them apart. Instead, companies need to re-organize to reflect the desired system architecture.
Self-sufficient, full-stack teams own one or more components for the entirety of each component's full life cycle. This is often referred to as the you build it, you run it mentality. The result is that teams tend to build in quality up front because they will be directly on the hook when the component is broken. The patterns in this book for creating bounded isolated components help teams control their own destiny by controlling the upstream and downstream dependencies of their components. In Chapter 6, Deployment, Chapter 7, Testing, and Chapter 8, Monitoring, we will discuss the techniques that teams can leverage to help ensure their confidence in their components. Self-sufficient, full-stack teams are at liberty to continuously deliver innovation at their own pace, they are on the hook to deliver safely, and companies can scale by adding more teams.