Deep Learning Essentials

Automatic differentiation

TensorFlow provides a very convenient API that can help us to directly derive the deltas and update the network parameters:

# Define the cost as the square of the errors
cost = tf.square(error)

# The Gradient Descent Optimizer will do the heavy lifting
learning_rate = 0.01
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost)

# Define the function we want to approximate
def linear_fun(x):
y = x[:,0] * 2 + x[:,1] * 4 + 1
return y.reshape(y.shape[0],1)

# Other variables during learning
train_batch_size = 100
test_batch_size = 50

# Normal TensorFlow - initialize values, create a session and run the model
sess = tf.Session()

for i in range(1000):
x_value = np.random.rand(train_batch_size,2)
y_value = linear_fun(x_value), feed_dict={a_0:x_value, y: y_value})
if i % 100 == 0:
test_x = np.random.rand(test_batch_size,2)
res_val =, feed_dict =
{a_0: test_x, y: linear_fun(test_x)})
print res_val

In addition to this basic setting, let’s now talk about a few important concepts you might encounter in practice.