Creating a table
Let us now create a custom table using the Tables & Columns module. There are multiple ways to create a new table. Either open the Tables module and click on the New button on the top, or open the Tables & Columns module and click on the Create Table button in the top section, as shown in the following screenshot:

You will be presented with a New record form for the Table. To be clear, we are inserting a new record, using the following form, into a system-defined (out-of-the-box) table labeled Table (with the system name sys_db_object) to create a new table in our instance:

Let us populate the form fields with the following values to create our first custom table:
- In the Label field, enter the label we want to give to our new table-that is, POS Location.
- The Name field will be automatically populated for you when enter a value in the Label field and focus out of it. Note that the u_ prefix will be added to the system name of your table. This is useful for distinguishing user-created tables from system tables. All user-created tables will have the u_ prefix.
- Leave the Extends table field blank.
- Make sure that the Create module checkbox is checked.
- Make sure that the Create mobile module checkbox is checked.
- Ensure that --Create new-- is selected in the Add module to menu field.
- As shown in the following screenshot, set the New menu name field's value as POS app menu and click Submit:

A new table with the label POS Location and system name u_pos_location will be created in our instance, along with a list of record modules and a new application menu in the left navigator section, as shown in the following screenshot:

We can confirm that our new table has been created by opening the Tables module and searching for all the tables that start with the u_pos string, as shown in the following screenshot:

We can click on the info icon to open the POS Location table in the detail page, where we can make some basic modifications to elements, such as the table's label, and see a list of the existing columns: