Getting ready
To begin, log in to your c9.io account, which will open your Cloud9 IDE dashboard:
Click on Create a new workspace, and a new page will appear with only a few things to fill in. You only need to add the Workspace name and Description, as you like. You can leave the Clone from Git or Mercurial URL empty, as well as leave the default HTML template selected. Finally, click on Create workspace to spin up a new container.
Once ready, you will be greeted with the following tree structure of your folders (displayed in the left sidebar):

The largest window (to the right from the sidebar) will have the README.md file open, but you can open any other file in that area as well. Under this largest window, you will see an open Terminal window (titled "bash - <your-project-name>"), and another tab with the JavaScript REPL.
We will make use of Node and npm to install the latest version of Bootstrap via the command line (the readily open Bash Terminal). Both Node and npm come preinstalled in Cloud9 IDE.