Baseline upgrades
Spring Framework 5.0 has JDK 8 and Java EE 7 baseline. Basically, it means that previous JDK and Java EE versions are not supported anymore.
Some of the important baseline Java EE 7 specifications for Spring Framework 5.0 are listed as follows:
- Servlet 3.1
- JMS 2.0
- JPA 2.1
- JAX-RS 2.0
- Bean Validation 1.1
There are many changes to the minimum supported versions of several Java frameworks. The following list contains some of the minimum supported versions of prominent frameworks:
- Hibernate 5
- Jackson 2.6
- EhCache 2.10
- JUnit 5
- Tiles 3
The following list shows the supported server versions:
- Tomcat 8.5+
- Jetty 9.4+
- WildFly 10+
- Netty 4.1+ (for web reactive programming with Spring Web Flux)
- Undertow 1.4+ (for web reactive programming with Spring Web Flux)
Applications using earlier versions of any of the preceding specifications/frameworks need to be upgraded at least to the previously listed versions before they can use Spring Framework 5.0.