Chapter 1. Getting Started with SQL Developer 4.1
This book is divided into chapters that focus on the different areas or functionality in the recently released SQL Developer 4.1. The progression through the chapters is from the more frequently-used features to those less-frequently used. This initial chapter is all about preparing your environment, installing SQL Developer 4.1, and getting started.
SQL Developer 4.1 is easy to set up and use, so there is very little setup required to follow the examples in this book. The best way to learn is by practice, and for that you'll need a computer with access to an Oracle database and SQL Developer. This chapter, and indeed the rest of the book, is written with the assumption that you have a computer with Microsoft Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X installed, and that you have access to an Oracle database. It focuses on the alternative installations available for SQL Developer, where to find the product, and how to install it. Once your environment is set up, you can follow a quick product walk-through to familiarize yourself with the landscape. You'll create a few connections, touch on the various areas available (such as the SQL Worksheet and Reports navigator), and learn about the control of the windows and general product layout.