HTML5 Game Development HOTSHOT

Placing the patterns on the deck

In this task, we are going to list the pattern in the deck. Later, we will let the player select patterns from this deck.

Prepare for lift off

We are going to need a new module to handle the display of the composition. Let's create a new empty JavaScript file named composition-view.js.

We need to import the file into the index.html file, as follows:

<script src='js/composition-view.js'></script>

Engage thrusters

Let's work on the pattern with the following steps:

  1. In the game scene of the index.html file, we add two DOM elements, namely, #your-composition and #deck:
    <div id="game-scene" class="scene out">
      <div id="your-composition"></div>
      <div id="deck" class="deck"></div>
  2. In the template element, we add the template for the pattern's slot:
    <div id="element-template">
      <!-- for deck view -->
      <div class="pattern-slot">
        <div class="pattern" data-pattern="1"></div>
  3. The following is our composition-view.js file:
      var game  = this.colorQuestGame = this.colorQuestGame || {};
      // composition module
      game.compositionView = {
        node: document.getElementById('your-composition'),    
  4. Before the end of the gameScene.visualize method, we add the visualization logic for the player's composition:
    // randomize the patterns array
    patternsToShow.sort(function(a, b){
      return Math.random() - 0.5;
    // empty the current deck view
    var deckNode = document.getElementById('deck');
    // add the pattern to the deck view
    for (var i in patternsToShow) {
      var patternSlotNode = document.querySelector('#element-template .pattern-slot').cloneNode(/*clone children=*/true);  
      patternSlotNode.querySelector('.pattern').setAttribute('data-pattern', patternsToShow[i]);
  5. From the game.js file, we remove all the selected patterns before starting a new level:
    nextLevel: function() {
  6. We need the following CSS style for the composition and patterns:
    /* player's composition and pattern */
    #your-composition {
      position: absolute;
      width: 100px;
      height: 100px;
      right: 65px;
      top: 120px;
      border: 3px solid #999;  
    #your-composition > .pattern {
      width: 100px;
      height: 100px;
      position: absolute;
    /* deck and pattern */
      .deck { position: absolute;
      top: 360px;
      left: 20px;
    .pattern-slot {
      width: 100px;
      height: 100px;
      outline: 4px solid #BC7702;
      float: left;
      border-radius: 3px;
      margin: 10px 0 0 10px;
    .deck .pattern {
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;

We should have the following screenshot once this task is completed. The deck shows the patterns that a player needs to compose the quest:

Objective complete – mini debriefing

JavaScript comes with a sort method for the array. Normally, we compare the given two array elements and return +1 or -1 to control elements' swapping.

We can randomize an array by randomly returning either +1 or -1:

patternsToShow.sort(function(a, b){
  return Math.random() - 0.5;

After we randomize the patterns, we clone each pattern from the template and append them to the deck element.