About the Reviewers
Dion Loughry has been professionally involved in the IT field for nearly 20 years now. While he has been managing the support for end users for the most of his career, he has always stayed on top of cutting-edge technology and innovation. He has incorporated this habit as much as possible into his personal life and business as well. A great example of this was when he first saw a PC in 1980. He managed to save and borrow enough money to purchase one at that time. In addition, he quickly learned how to program in the BASIC language. His passion lies in using new technology at the workplace to improve efficiency as well as simplify life in general. NFC technology is the next great leap that provides a simplified way of sharing and obtaining information. He has been involved with the NFC technology for a number of years. He has always been a fan of Palm Technology and has worked with a few members of the original Palm development team. He is currently working on many applications for Android and Windows devices. This is a great step into the world of unplugged computing technology and information sharing, which has great potential, yet is widely untapped.
Michael Roland is a researcher at the NFC Research Lab, Hagenberg (University of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria). His main research interests are NFC, security, and Android. He is the creator of NFC TagInfo, one of the most successful NFC developer tools for Android devices, and the co-author of the book Anwendungen und Technik von Near Field Communication (NFC), Springer Publishing. He holds a BSc. and an MSc. degree in Embedded Systems Design (University of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria, 2007 and 2009, respectively) and a PhD. (Dr. Techn.) degree in Computer Science (Johannes Kepler University Linz, 2013).