Chapter 2. Installing a Liferay Portal Instance
In the first chapter we learned what Liferay is all about and how it caters to various needs across domains. In this chapter we will see how to install Liferay in different servers.
With any web application, one of the major pain points is how to install the application in various servers. Many a time it happens that to just start-up the application, we spend lots of days' worth effort.
Luckily for us Liferay has provided bundles for various open source servlet containers and application servers and you would see how easy it is to start up Liferay on any of these servers.
By the end of this chapter, we will learn how to start up Liferay on the following servers:
- Apache Tomcat
- JBoss Application Server
- GlassFish
- Oracle WebLogic
We will see how to deploy Liferay in an existing Tomcat server.
Also, we will learn how to change the default database of Liferay from Hypersonic to MySQL.
Looking above it seems like an uphill task. So go grab a cup of coffee so that we can indulge!