In this chapter, we have seen how Liferay Portal can be installed on various servers:
- Liferay comes pre-bundled with many open source application servers and servlet containers such as Tomcat, JBoss, and GlassFish
- Liferay can also be installed on a proprietary server like Oracle Weblogic
- We also saw how to deploy Liferay on an existing Tomcat server
- The default Liferay bundle ships with a Hypersonic database, which is not recommended for production use
- Liferay is database agnostic and can support many databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and so on
Though we have seen how to install Liferay in most of the application servers and servlet containers, we will be using Tomcat as our web server for the rest of the exercise.
So you're all set with Liferay up and running on your Tomcat, and it's time to get started with some Portal Basics and changing the whole look and feel of your portal with themes in Liferay.