What this book covers
Chapter 1, Planning Your Portal, gives an overview of Liferay Portal– the most popular open source portal framework. It briefly talks about Liferay's features and its portlets.
Chapter 2, Installing a Liferay Portal Instance, teaches you how to deploy Liferay in various application servers from a basic servlet container to an enterprise application server.
Chapter 3, Understanding Portal Basics and Theming, talks about the portal basics and portlet concepts. It also discusses Liferay User interface and use of dockbar to navigate in Liferay. It instructs on how to do basic administration in Liferay using Control Panel and different options of the Control Panel. It provides basic idea about the theme as well.
Chapter 4, Tips and Tricks—Advanced Configuration, discloses Liferay's secrets for tweaking the default behavior of portal by changing a set of properties.
Chapter 5, Building your First Liferay Site, here readers will start developing their first Liferay site. It discusses different components of the site and the approach to design the site. It talks about important concepts of Liferay such as Organization, Community, User Group, and page templates.
Chapter 6, Managing Pages, Users, and Permissions, helps the readers in learning about the concepts related to Liferay’s Page, User ,and Permission Management. It will also provide understanding of the various configuration options available for Pages, Users, and Permissions in Liferay.
Chapter 7, Creating and Publishing Content, the content management system and the web content management functionality are two interesting features of Liferay. Liferay's document library portlet allows users to upload documents in various formats. User can set permissions on folders and documents. Users can use the image gallery portlet to manage image files in the Liferay Portal. For web content management, Liferay has a web content portlet and a web content display portlet, which can be used to create and display journal articles.
This chapter will populate the public pages of the Guest community. It will show you how to create the Welcome page, Newcomers page, Lease office hours page, and Swimming pool hours page. We will welcome a user to our neighborhood in this chapter.
Chapter 8, Exploring Communities, helps readers to learn about various useful portlets required to build a site. This chapters covers quite a few out of box portlets such as Bookmark, Chat, OpensSocial, Language, Polls, Search. It also covers some of the custom portlets such as YouTube, SlideShow.
Chapter 9, Setting up an Online Shop, talks about how to set up online shop using the shopping portlet. It instructs reader on how to configure payment terms, shopping items, stock, and so on. It also instructs reader on how to manage orders and discounts. It also talks about end-to-end shopping workflow.
Chapter 10, Liferay Server Administration, instructs reader on how to user liferay's server administration features to maintain Liferay Portal server. It talks about server resource management, logging configuration, virtual host configuration, and so on. It also talks about how to configure staging environment.
Appendix A, PayPal Test Account Configuration, provides step-by-step guide to set up test accounts on PayPal’s sandbox environment.
Bonus Chapter, Exploring Social Collaboration, introduces you to the social functionalities of Liferay. Liferay has a blog portlet. A portal user can use it to post articles, which will be shared by the community members. Its calendar portlet can be used to create events, which will show for all community members. The wiki portlet allows a user to post his ideas. Liferay's message board portlet was used as a Liferay forum. This chapter will delve deeper into Liferay organizations. We will configure and use the message board portlet, wiki portlet and blogs portlet in this chapter.
You can download the Bonus Chapter from http://www.packtpub.com/sites/default/files/downloads/Social_collaboration.pdf.