[词语]to flog a dead horse
to beat a dead horse
[趣释]【言语喻指】19世纪英国著名的政治家和演说家约翰·布赖特(John Bright)在当时英国有一定的影响。他的朋友理查德·科布登(Richard Cobden)请他施加影响以达到国会通过减少某项开支的法案。布赖特虽然赞同朋友的提议,但他明白国会刚刚就这个问题已做过决议案,旧事重提无异于炒冷饭,不会有任何结果。于是,他对朋友说:“国会对这件事已有决议,再提也只能是鞭打死马。”后来,人们就用“鞭打死马”(to flog/beat dead horse)喻指重提已经解决的问题,白费口舌,浪费精力。
[运用]We discussed some incidents that had happened long ago. It was really flogging a dead horse. 讨论一些很久以前发生的事情,这简直是浪费精力。
He is flogging a dead horse in trying to persuade people to use canals instead of roads. 他试图说服人们不要使用公路而去使用运河,真是白费唇舌。
I've already made up my mind.There is no sense beating a dead horse. 我已经下了决心,不必再费口舌。
She's flogging a dead horse trying to organize a theatre trip. It's quite obvious that nobody's interested.她想组织剧团巡回演出,无疑是白费心机,很明显没人会感兴趣。