第4章 让心灵充满阳光
The Gold Watch in the Barn
A farmer carelessly lost an expensive gold watch in the barn on the farm,where he searched for everywhere but in vain.
So he put a notice on the gate of the farm:whoever fnds the gold watch will be rewarded 100 dollars.
Facing the temptation of the handsome reward,people tried their best to look for everywhere. However,the grain was piled like a hill along with bales of straw,so if they wanted to fnd the gold watch,it would be like fshing for a needle in the ocean.
When the sun set,the gold watch was not found yet. They took pains but found nothing.So they began complaining the watch was too small,the barn was too large and the straw was too thick.It was getting dark that they were still unable to fnd it.So they gave up the temptation of 100 dollars one by one.
But only a small boy in shabby clothes was still not discouraged but kept looking for it in the grain. He had nothing to eat throughout the day.In order to solve the family problem,he was eager to fnd the gold watch and let his parents,brothers and sisters have a full meal.
The night was already getting late;the boy was also tired. He was lying in the straw to have a rest when he heard a strange“tick-tock”.
He immediately held his breath and listen attentively.
It was quieter in the barn while“tick-tock”sounded clearly. The boy followed the sound,found the gold watch buried in the depths of the grain and fnally got the 100 dollars.
Like the gold watch in the barn,success has existed around us and spread in every corner of life. Only we are calm and frmly look for it can we fnd it.
A Defnite Goal
A father went to hunt for hares with his three sons to the grassland. Upon arrival at the destination,all well prepared,before they took action,their father asked three sons a question,“What do you see?”
The eldest son replied,“I saw the shotguns in our hands,the hares running on the prairie and the endless stretch of grassland.”His father shook his head and said,“You're wrong.”
The second son answered,“I saw our father,eldest brother,younger brother,shotguns,hares and the boundless grassland.”The father again shook his head and said,“You're wrong.”
The youngest only answered,“I can only see hares.”Then their father said,“You're right.”
Only can a defnite goal point out the right direction of action and less detour on the road to achieving the objective. In fact,the indiscriminate or excessive goals will impede our progress,so in order to achieve what we have in our mind,if unrealistic,we may ultimately accomplish nothing.
Do One Thing Every Day
There was a painter,who held over a dozen of painting shows. Regardless of the number of visitors,he always smiled.
I once asked him,“Why are you have so happy every day?”
He told me one thing,as a boy,I had a lot of interests and was very eager to excel. Painting,playing the accordion,swimming or playing basketball,I must be the first.This,of course,was impossible.So I felt so depressed that my learning plummeted.
When my father learned about it,he took a funnel and a handful of corn seeds,let me put my hands under the funnel to take,picked up one seed and threw it into the funnel,when the seed slipped down the funnel and dropped on my hands. My father threw more than 10 times,so my hands had more than 10 seeds.Then,my father grasped a full handful of corn seeds and put them into the funnel.The seeds jostled each other and no one dropped.
My father said to me,“This funnel represents you;if you can fnish one thing every day,you will harvest a seed and happiness. But when you want to hold everything together to do,you won't harvest one seed.”
Another Secret to Success
A sculptor got a marble with very fine texture. He felt the marble was so suitable for carving a portrait.So he picked up the chisel.Not knowing the tension or excessive force,only a chisel,he knocked off a large chunk of debris.The sculptor stopped immediately.After three days'thought,he decided to abandon the sculpture he had designed because he realized he was hard to manage this valuable material.Later,this marble was presented to the sculptor Michelangelo,who used this marble to carve the unparalleled masterpiece—David Statue.
The careful viewers pointed to an obvious streak of scar on David's back,slightly regretted for its not 100%perfection and sighed for the former previous sculptor's temerity in a sort of way.
Michelangelo corrected,“The gentleman has been very careful. If he's temerarious and hasty,this special material has been long gone,and my David Statue will never come into being.”
“So,would you also like to thank the sculptor?”some people were puzzled.
“Yes,I would like to thank him for his rare seriousness,because his sculpture and abandon are extremely serious. Furthermore,I would like to thank him for the scar he left.It always reminds me that I must be extremely careful of each of my carving and chiseling,without any slightest carelessness.”
Michelangelo told another secret to highlight his success with respect—learn from the lessons of others and accomplish everything at hand with the greatest seriousness.
I Can Make It Happen
History abounds with tales of experts who were convinced that the ideas,plans and projects of others could never be achieved. However,success favored those who believed,“I can make it happen.”
The Italian sculptor Agostino D'Antonio worked diligently on a large piece of marble. Unable to produce his desired masterpiece,he lamented,“I can do nothing with it.”
Other sculptors also worked on this piece of marble,but to no avail.
Michelangelo discovered the stone and visualized the possibilities in it. His“I-can-make-it-happen”attitude resulted in one of the world's masterpiece—David.
Even the great Thomas Edison discouraged his friend,Henry Ford,from pursuing his rudimental idea of a motorcar. Convinced of the worthlessness of the idea,Edison invited Ford to come and work for him.
However,Ford tirelessly pursued his dream. Although his frst attempt resulted in a vehicle without reverse gear,Henry Ford knew he could make it happen.And,of course,he did.
Let's not forget our friends Orville and Wilbur Wright. Journalists,friends,armed forces specialists,and even their father laughed at the idea of an airplane.
“What a silly and insane way to spend money. Let the birds fy in the sky,”they jeered.
“Sorry,”the Wright brothers responded.“We have a dream,and we can make it happen.”
You can also make it happen.
The Danger of Success
A young novice climber prepared to climb the Alps in the border of Swiss. This was the frst time he would climb the mountains in the true sense,so he invited the two experienced guides to keep company.
That was a very dangerous steep mountain road,but protected by the two excellent guides around him,he did not feel any danger.
They climbed a long road,and when they were out of breath exhausted,the summit was close at hand. The guide walking ahead was willing to let the novice first stand on the peak and enjoy the feeling of“seeing the mountains around and below are wee,”so he moved aside and let the young climber walk ahead.
At this moment,charmed by the honor,the young climber who had climbed up the peak forgot the strong gust that would blow on the peak at any time and excitedly jumped up cheering his victory.
Just at this moment,the guide caught up with him and pulled him down to the ground.
“Kneel on the ground quickly!”he snapped,“For the position you are now on,no gesture is safe,unless kneeling on the ground!”
There are too many times we want to stand up tall and enjoy the success and glory that belong to us. But it is in these moments that we most easily disappear in the gale.
Will Inspired Life
The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old-fashioned pot-bellied coal stove. A little boy had the job of coming to school early each day to start the fre and warm the room before his teacher and classmates arrived.
One morning they arrived to find the schoolhouse engulfed in flames. They dragged the unconscious little boy out of the faming building more dead than alive.He had major burns over the lower half of his body and was taken to a nearby county hospital.From his bed the semi-conscious little boy faintly heard the doctor talking to his mother.The doctor told his mother that her son would surely be dead,for the terrible fre had devastated the lower half of his body.
But the brave boy didn't want to die. He made up his mind that he would survive.Somehow,to the amazement of the physician,he did survive.When the mortal danger was past,he again heard the doctor and his mother speaking quietly.The mother was told that since the fre had destroyed so much fesh in the lower part of his body that he was doomed to be a lifetime cripple.
Once more the brave boy made up his mind. He would not be a cripple.He would walk.But unluckily from the waist down,he had no motor ability.His thinlegs just dangled there,all but lifeless.Ultimately,he was released from the hospital.
Every day his mother would massage his little legs,but there was no effect. He was either in bed or confned to a wheelchair.Yet his determination that he would walk was as strong as ever.
One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air. This day,instead of sitting there,he threw himself from the chair.He pulled himself across the grass,dragging his legs behind him.He worked his way to the white picket fence bordering their lot.With great effort,he raised himself up on the fence.Then,stake by stake,he began dragging himself along the fence,resolved that he would walk.
He started to do this every day until he wore a smooth path all around the yard beside the fence.
Ultimately,through his daily massages,his persistence and his resolute determination,he did develop the ability to stand up,frst to walk haltingly,then to walk by himself—and then—to run.
He began to walk to school,then to run to school,to run for the sheer joy of running. Later in college he made the track team.Still later in Madison Square Garden this young man who was not expected to survive,who would surely never walk,who could never hope to run—Dr.Glenn Cunningham,ran the world's fastest mile!
A Creed to Live by
Don't determine your worth by comparing yourself with others because each of us is special.
Don't set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you.
Don't take for granted the things closest to your heart. Cling to them as you would your life,for without them life is meaningful.
Don't let your life slip through your fngers by living in the past or the future. Treasure each day in your life and you will have all the days of your life.
Don't give up before you try your best. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.
Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. It is this fragile thread that binds us to each other.
Don't be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.
Don't shut love out of your life by saying it's impossible to fnd. The quickest way to receive love is to give love;the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly;and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.
Don't abandon your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope;to be without hope is to be without purpose.
Don't run through life so fast that you forget not only where you've been,but also where you're going. Life is not a race,but a journey to be savored each step of the way.
The Secret of Becoming Rich
Ayer lived a rich life,so his friends wanted to know the secret of his wealth. One day,Ayer would go to the market to handle affairs,when one of his friends happened to go the same way.So they went along.
It was terribly sultry. When they went halfway,they were so tired and thirsty that they stopped and sat down under a big tree by the roadside.
Ayer took out two bowls from his backpack,placed before them,then untied the water bag and flled the bowls with water.
They carried the bowls and were about to drink off when a gust of wind suddenly blew,making them not open their eyes.
After the wind stopped,his friend found a lot of sand dropped in his bowl,even with some leaves on it. The friend frowned,poured away the water in the bowl without hesitation,picked up Ayer's water bag conveniently,poured himself another bowl and drank off without a break.
When he put down his bowl,he found Ayer's bowl was also muddy,but Ayer only carefully picked up the fallen leaves,threw them off and put the bowl on theAfter a while,the water was gradually clean and clear,when Ayer carried the bowl and drank slowly.
His friend laughed at his misery,for he even regarded a bowl of water as a treasure.
After hearing that,Ayer said with a smile,“Each bowl of water is drawn by me from the well,which I took pains to dig. How can't I regard it as a treasure?”
When sand and leaves dropped into a bowl,what Ayer's saw was still the water,but what his friend was nothing but the sand and leaves. Maybe it was the secret of Ayer's wealth.
Life Lies in Believing in Yourself
There may be days when you get up in the morning and things aren't the wayyou had hoped they would be.
That's when you have to tell yourself that things will get better. There are times when people let you down.
But those are the times when you must remind yourself to trust your own judgments and opinions,to keep your life focused on believing in yourself.
There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life,and it is up to you to accept them.
Constantly keep yourself headed in the right direction for you. It may not be easy at times,but in those times of struggle you will fnd a stronger sense of who you are.
So when the days come that are filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities,remember to believe in yourself and all you want your life to be.
Because the challenges and changes will only help you to fnd the goals that you know are meant to come true for you.
Life Lies in Choosing
When he was still young,everything was possible,for the world was just before him.
One morning,God came to him,“What wish do you have?Tell me and I can make it come true for you,for you're my pet. But remember,you can only tell one.”
“However,”he said unwillingly.“I have a lot of wishes.”
God slowly shook his head,“There're too many beautiful things in the world,but life is limited,so no one can possess all. Once you make a choice,you will give up others.Come on,choose carefully,with no regrets.”
Surprised,he asked,“Will I regret?”
God said,“Who knows. Choose love and you will have to put up with the emotional torment;to choose wisdom means pains and loneliness;choose money and you will have the trouble it brings along.There're too many people who regret that they should virtually take another way after they've gone one way.Think about it carefully,what do you really want in your lifetime?”
He thought and thought,all desires pouring in and futtering around him. Which one was the one he couldn't give up?Finally,he said to God,“Let me think,let me think.”
God said,“But you should be quick,my son.”
Since then,his life was flled with the constant comparisons and balances. He used half the time of his life to make lists and the other half to tear them up because he always found himself to leave out something.
Day after day,year after year,he was no longer young. God came to him again.“My child,haven't you decided your wish yet?But you only have fve minutes left.”
“What?”he exclaimed.“Over the years,I haven't enjoyed the joy of love,I haven't accumulated wealth and haven't received wisdom;I haven't gotten all I want. My God,how can you take away my life at this time?”
Five minutes later,no matter how painfully he pleaded,God couldn't help but take him away.
Life is like this:everywhere is alive with choices. Since it is impossible to have everything,you should learn to make a choice;if you're greedy for everything,perhaps you can only achieve nothing in the end.