06 民众不信任军政府导致缅甸疫情加重

全文共695个词, By John Reed, south-east Asia correspondent
A surge of Covid-19 infections is swamping Myanmar’s threadbare healthcare system, causing bodies to pile up at cemeteries and crematoriums and adding a virulent element to the disorder that has followed the coup in February.
People are queueing before dawn to fill oxygen cylinders for ailing relatives and panic buying chicken and eggs in the belief that the foods will help boost immunity. Social media is awash with accounts of hospitals having to turn away patients and people dying alone or on the street.
General Min Aung Hlaing, the junta chief, appealed on Sunday for volunteers and for“organisations and associations to co-operate with us as much as they can”.
缅甸军政府领导人敏昂莱大将(General Min Aung Hlaing)上周日呼吁志愿者以及“各组织和协会尽可能与我们合作”。

Covid-19 cases have more than doubled every week in recent weeks, reaching more than 234,000 cases and 5,281 deaths. But the World Health Organization believes infections numbers may be under-reported because Myanmar, with a population of 54m, is testing only 12,000-15,000 people a day.
The outbreak in Myanmar comes as its regional neighbours, including Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia, have also had to contend with record Covid caseloads linked to the more contagious Delta variant.
Health officials and human rights activists in Myanmar said the pandemic was proving particularly lethal because of public mistrust in the military regime, which has attacked,jailed or killed scores of health workers for opposing its seizure of power.

“People are crowding in front of oxygen facilities in hopes of helping their sick beloved family members back home, while potentially getting themselves infected,” said Troy Maung, a founder of the Myanmar Doctors for Human Rights Network, who uses a pseudonym as with other anti-coup activists. “A lot of doctors are still in hiding, and many clinics have closed because their staff fear being detained or having their equipment confiscated.”
“民众在供氧设施前挤作一团,希望帮助他们家中生病的亲人,但他们自己可能也会因此感染病毒。”缅甸医生促进人权组织(Myanmar Doctors for Human Rights Network)的创始人Troy Maung(他与其他反政变活动人士一样使用了化名)表示,“许多医生仍然在躲避搜捕,许多诊所已经关闭,因为诊所员工担心被拘留,也担心设备被没收。”
Before the coup, Myanmar was one of south-east Asia’s first countries to begin vaccinating against Covid, using Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines made by India’s Serum Institute.
在政变之前,缅甸是东南亚最早开始接种新冠疫苗的国家之一,该国使用的是印度血清研究所(Serum Institute)生产的牛津/阿斯利康(Oxford/AstraZeneca)疫苗。
But the toppling of Aung San Suu Kyi’s government disrupted efforts to contain the virus as doctors, nurses and other medical staff joined a civil disobedience movement to oppose the coup. The junta responded by arresting medical workers and raiding clinics set up to treat wounded protesters.
但昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)政府的倒台打乱了该国控制疫情的行动。目前,缅甸医生、护士以及其他媒体工作者都加入了公民抗命运动以反对此次政变。军政府的回应是逮捕医务人员,并搜捕为治疗受伤抗议者而设立的诊所。

Contact tracing, quarantine and treatment have “completely broken down”, according to Maung’s MDHRN. Myanmar’s health ministry said this week that it expected half the population to be vaccinated this year, but opponents of the regime dismissed that target, saying the regime had no coherent or credible policy to contain the virus.
据Troy Maung所在的缅甸医生促进人权组织的说法,接触者追踪、隔离和治疗已经“完全崩溃”。缅甸卫生部本周表示预计今年将有一半人口接种疫苗,但现任政府的反对者驳斥了这一目标,称该政权没有连贯或可信的政策来遏制病毒。
“The military junta is solely responsible for this national catastrophe,” said Win Myat Aye, minister for humanitarian affairs and disaster management under the National Unity Government, formed by MPs and others who fled into hiding or exile after the military seized power. “They showed extraordinary recklessness staging a coup in the middle of a pandemic.”
“军政府要对这场国家灾难负全部责任。”民族团结政府(National Unity Government)的人道主义事务和灾难管理部部长温密埃(Win Myat Aye)说。该政府由在军方夺取政权后躲藏或流亡的国会议员和其他人士组成。“他们在疫情期间发动政变,表现出了极端鲁莽。”

Tom Andrews, UN special rapporteur for human rights in Myanmar, said last week that a“perfect storm” of factors, including mistrust of the military, was fuelling the outbreak.He added that the country was “at grave risk of becoming a Covid-19 superspreader state”.
联合国(UN)缅甸人权状况特别报告员汤姆·安德鲁斯(Tom Andrews)上周表示,包括对军方的不信任在内的一系列因素凑在一起,加剧了疫情的爆发。他补充说缅甸正“面临成为新冠肺炎超级传播国的严重风险”。
“The junta is unable to govern the country,” said Yanghee Lee, a former UN official and founder of the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar, an independent group of international experts. The organisation has called on the countries bordering Myanmar —Thailand, India, Bangladesh and China — to open their borders to aid corridors that could be channelled through areas controlled by ethnic groups that have battled the military for decades.
前联合国官员、独立国际专家小组“缅甸特别咨询委员会”(Special Advisory Council for Myanmar)创始人李亮喜(Yanghee Lee)表示:“军政府没有能力治理这个国家。”该组织呼吁与缅甸接壤的国家——泰国、印度、孟加拉国和中国——开放边境以促成一些走廊,这些走廊可以穿过一些被少数民族控制的地区,后者已在这些地区与军方斗争了几十年。
Covid is also spreading through Myanmar’s prisons, endangering political prisoners,including Sean Turnell, an Australian academic and former economic adviser to detained former leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
新冠肺炎还蔓延到缅甸监狱中,危及政治犯,其中包括澳大利亚学者肖恩·特尼尔(Sean Turnell),他曾是被关押的缅甸前领导人昂山素季的经济顾问。
“The Delta variant has reached Insein (prison) and my husband has experienced cold and flu symptoms for a few weeks,” Ha Vu, Turnell’s wife, wrote in a Facebook post. “His health is at tremendous risk.”
特尼尔的妻子Ha Vu在Facebook上写道:“Delta变体已传到永盛监狱(Insei),我丈夫出现感冒和流感症状已经有几周时间了。他的健康处于极大的危险中。”
Nyan Win, a senior official with the ousted National League for Democracy, died after contracting Covid-19 in Insein prison.
在政变中被推翻的全国民主联盟(National League for Democracy,简称“民盟”)的高级官员那温(Nyan Win)在永盛监狱感染新冠肺炎后死亡。