04 疫情反复,日本再面临闭门办奥运压力

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全文共611个词,by Robin Harding in Tokyo
The Japanese government is under pressure to reverse course and hold the Tokyo Olympics behind closed doors as Covid-19 cases rise in the capital.
随着东京的新冠肺炎确诊病例数量不断攀升,日本政府面临压力,要求其改变做法、闭门举办东京奥运会(Tokyo Olympics)。
After bottoming out at fewer than 400 cases a day in mid-June, the number of new diagnoses has climbed to almost 600 a day, raising fears of a full-blown surge when the games are held between July 23 and August 8.
在经历 6月中旬单日新增确诊病例数量不到400例的低点后,目前单日新增确诊病例数量已攀升至近600例。这让人们担心 7月23日至8月8日东京奥运会举办期间感染人数会全面激增。

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The increasing cases count has highlighted the risk taken by Yoshihide Suga, Japan’s prime minister, in choosing to ignore his medical advisers and allow the games to go ahead with up to 10,000 fans in stadiums.
不断攀升的病例数突显了日本首相菅义伟(Yoshihide Suga)所冒的风险。菅义伟选择无视他的医疗顾问,决定每场比赛允许不超过1万名观众进入场馆观看。
It also reflected the growing presence in Japan of the more infectious Delta variant of Covid-19 and the delayed progress of its inoculation campaign, which has administered a first dose to 24 per cent of the population.

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The organisers of Tokyo 2020 said they have delayed a ticket lottery until Saturday as the debate on spectators comes to a head. Japan decided just two weeks ago to let some fans attend.
Suga lifted a Covid-19 state of emergency in Tokyo on June 20. Since then, the city has been under a “quasi state of emergency”, during which restaurants are asked but not compelled to stop serving alcohol by 7pm and to close by 8pm.
6月 20日,菅义伟宣布东京解除新冠疫情紧急状态。自那以来,东京就一直处于“半紧急状态”,在此期间,日本政府呼吁但不强制餐厅晚上7点前停止供应酒精饮料,并于晚上8点关门。
The restrictions were meant to end this weekend, but officials said the government was considering whether to maintain them throughout the Olympics. If cases keep rising, Suga could also be forced to declare a full emergency.
Many Olympic events have been scheduled for the evening to avoid the worst heat of the Japanese summer, but it will be hard to justify stadiums full of spectators if all of the nearby restaurants have been asked to close.

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Katsunobu Kato, chief cabinet secretary, insisted that the decision on spectators was one for the organisers and the governor of Tokyo rather than the government alone. “We will make an appropriate judgment based on the state of infections and the [virus countermeasures] in place,” he said.
日本内阁官房长官加藤胜信(Katsunobu Kato)坚称,有关观众的决定应由奥组委和东京市长做出,而不是由日本政府单独做出。他表示:“我们将基于感染状况和已有(抗疫措施)做出适当判断。”
Speaking after his ruling coalition fell short of a majority in Tokyo municipal elections at the weekend, Suga said the government would have to decide soon on whether to extend the quasi state of emergency.

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Separately, Shinzo Abe, former prime minister, attacked those who support cancelling the Olympics as “anti-Japanese”. He singled out the Communist party and the centre-left Asahi newspaper.
此外,前首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)抨击了支持取消奥运会的人,称他们“反日”。他点名批评了日本共产党和中左翼报纸《朝日新闻》(Asahi)。
In an interview with local magazine Hanada, Abe said that the emotion of the games and Japanese athletes winning medals would confirm the bonds between the Japanese people. He added that a successful games would have “historic meaning” and that the country had a duty to go ahead.