07 英国应该对所有食品征收糖税以解决肥胖问题

全文共630个词, By Ravi Gurumurthy
When the soft drinks levy was announced in 2016, industry claimed it would be more effective as a stealth tax than a public health policy. Coca-Cola’s then general manager in the UK, Leendert den Hollander, warned that “the facts don’t suggest that a sugar tax works to change behaviour”.
2016年英国政府宣布将对软饮料征税时,行业宣称,此举作为一种隐形税,将比一项公共卫生政策更有效。时任可口可乐(Coca-Cola)英国总经理的伦德特·登霍兰德(Leendert den Hollander)警告称,“事实并未表明糖税能改变人们的行为”。
He may have been right about consumers but he was wrong about the behaviour of his own company. By the time the tax was introduced two years later, most drinks sold by Coca Cola — except chancellor Rishi Sunak’s beloved classic coke — had been reformulated to duck under the tax threshold, set at 5g of sugar per 100ml. As a result, industry sales and profits were maintained but sugar consumption in all soft drinks fell 30 per cent.
他对消费者行为的看法或许是正确的,但他却料错了自己公司的行为。两年后糖税实施的时候,可口可乐销售的多数饮料——除了财政大臣里希·苏纳克(Rishi Sunak)钟爱的经典可乐——都重新调整了配方,以避开征税门槛(每 100毫升饮料含糖量达到5克就要缴纳糖税)。结果是,行业销售和利润得以维持,而所有软饮料中的含糖量下降了30%。
This is a lesson in how to tackle obesity. It is possible for companies to reformulate many products without people even noticing. While most consumers may have ignored the tax increase, industry assumed that enough would be tempted by cheaper products, so altered their recipes.

These small changes add up. On average, people in the UK consume only 195 excess calories — roughly the equivalent of one packet of crisps — every day. If half those currently overweight reduced their intake by 250 calories, they would move down a weight category and 10m people would enjoy two more years of healthy life.
The government is moving in the right direction. It has recently announced plans to ban junk food advertising on television before 9pm. Later this week, Henry Dimbleby, co founder of the Leon restaurant chain, will publish the second part of the National Food Strategy. But more radical steps are needed if we are meaningfully to reduce obesity in the UK.
英国政府正朝着正确的方向行动。英国政府最近已宣布,将禁止晚上9点前在电视上播放垃圾食品广告。本周晚些时候,Leon连锁餐厅联合创始人亨利·丁布尔比(Henry Dimbleby)将发布“国家食品战略”(National Food Strategy)的第二部分。但如果我们要切实降低英国的肥胖症发生率,需要采取更为激进的措施。
First, a sugar tax should be extended to all big food items sold in shops and restaurants —or at least the most critical products. This can begin at a low level but ramp up over time,providing industry with a clear signal and incentive to reformulate and resize.
Second, government should mandate front-of-pack labelling, with a simple, traffic-light style heuristic such as NutriScore, which has shown evidence of shifting some consumer behaviour. As with the sugar tax, most people may not change their behaviour but the most health-conscious will and that is enough to incentivise industry. What appears to be a nudge to consumers is actually a shove to producers.
Third, although there are many foods where reformulation may not be immediately viable,a range of large challenge prizes could stimulate innovation. Just as “Advance Market Commitments” spurred vaccine development, the public sector could stage a competition to develop healthier, cheaper school meals — with those meeting targets winning high volume public contracts.

The required policy response to tackle obesity is increasingly clear, but the public are not on the same page. New research from Nesta, the innovation foundation, and the Behavioural Insights Team shows that most people still believe that the most effective policy is to encourage individuals to change their diet and exercise. To prepare the ground for reformulation, we need credible messengers to build the case that obesity demands state and industry action. We also need to demonstrate that the transition will be fair to those on low incomes. The revenue from the sugar tax, for example, could be ringfenced for a Marcus Rashford-approved increase in spending on free school meals, or for child benefit.
解决肥胖问题所需的政策回应正变得越来越清晰,但公众的看法却不一样。创新基金会Nesta和行为洞察团队(Behavioural Insights Team)的最新研究显示,大多数人仍然认为,最有效的政策是鼓励个人改变饮食习惯和进行锻炼。为了给重新调整配方寻找理由,我们需要可信的先驱来证明解决肥胖问题需要国家和行业采取行动。我们还需要证明,这种转变对低收入者是公平的。例如,糖税带来的收入,可以专门用于加大马库斯·拉希福德(Marcus Rashford)所认同的免费校餐的支出,或增加儿童福利。
These measures may sit uncomfortably with a government keen to reassert personal freedoms. But with Sunak facing ballooning health expenditure and weak public finances,measures that save lives, protect the NHS and legitimise tax increases may induce pragmatism. With people in the lowest income decile dying almost a decade earlier than those in the highest, a muscular, societal approach to slimming down might also be the best route to levelling up.