02 韩国经济第二季度增速创10年新高

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全文共452个词,by Song Jung-a in Seoul
South Korea’s economy grew at its fastest pace in a decade in the second quarter on the back of robust exports and rebounding consumption, but the optimism was damped by a wave of Covid-19 infections.
Gross domestic product expanded 5.9 per cent from a year earlier in the April-June quarter, according to the Bank of Korea, partly owing to the low base effect from last year when the country was hit hard by the pandemic. Asia’s fourth-largest economy continued to exceed pre-crisis levels but momentum slowed, with GDP expanding 0.7 per cent from the previous quarter.
韩国央行(Bank of Korea)的数据显示,今年第二季度,韩国国内生产总值(GDP)同比增长5.9%,部分原因是去年疫情对该国造成严重冲击所产生的低基数效应。这个亚洲第四大经济体继续超越危机前的水平,但势头有所放缓,GDP环比增长0.7%。
The economic recovery was underpinned by a jump in exports amid robust demand for semiconductors, cars and ships, surging 22.4 per cent year on year in the second quarter.Private consumption and government spending rose 3.5 per cent and 3.9 per cent,respectively, quarter on quarter.
But the latest surge in Covid-19 infections clouded South Korea’s economic outlook.Authorities have struggled to contain the country’s worst outbreak despite the government imposing its toughest restrictions since the start of the pandemic.

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Daily cases have topped 1,000 since early July, driven by the highly transmissible Delta variant. Vaccines are also in short supply, as just one-third of the population has had at least one dose of vaccine.
“The high base for private consumption likely points to a meaningful deceleration in the third quarter, especially given the recent resurgence of new coronavirus cases and renewed tightening in social distancing measures,” said economists at Goldman Sachs.
高盛(Goldman Sachs)经济学家表示:“私人消费的高基数可能意味着第三季度将出现重大减速,尤其是考虑到最近新增新冠病例数的再次攀升以及社交隔离措施的再度收紧。”

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The growth data are expected to add pressure on the central bank to start tightening monetary policy earlier than expected. The BoK has increasingly shifted its focus towards reducing financial risk as record-low interest rates fuelled speculation in property, stock and cryptocurrency markets, stoking concerns about asset bubbles.
Lee Ju-yeol, governor of the BoK, said this month that the central bank would discuss raising its benchmark interest rate at its next meeting in August, although the timing of a rate increase would hinge on the pandemic situation.
韩国央行行长李柱烈(Lee Ju-yeol)本月表示,该行将在8月举行的下次会议上讨论上调基准利率的问题,不过加息的时机将取决于疫情。
The central bank has said that fiscal stimulus should cushion the economic blow from virus restrictions. The parliament on Saturday passed the country’s second-largest extra budget bill worth almost Won35tn ($30bn) to provide cash handouts to the bottom 80 per cent of households by income.
“Provided the economy proves relatively resilient to the latest wave of the virus, as we expect, a rate hike from the Bank of Korea is still likely as soon as next month,” said Alex Holmes, an economist at Capital Economics, a research group.
研究集团凯投宏观(Capital Economics)经济学家亚历克斯·霍姆斯(Alex Holmes)说:“如果正如我们预期的那样,韩国经济在最新一轮疫情面前表现出较强的韧性,那么韩国央行最早可能于下月加息。”
That would make the BoK the first central bank in Asia to start normalising policy this year.The BoK expects the Korean economy to expand 4 per cent this year, rebounding from a 0.9 per cent contraction last year.
Separately, North and South Korea said on Tuesday that they had agreed to restore communications channels. The decision followed a more than two-year stalemate for Seoul’s efforts to engage Pyongyang and international diplomacy to denuclearise the isolated communist country.